Think Green

Think Green

Plant A Tree For Free

We plant a tree every time you order.

Lights For is committed to leading our industry on responsible environmental stewardship. Climate change and environmental degradation are among the biggest world issues in this century. While most agree that we must do something, the challenges can often appear too great and too complicated for any one of us to feel like 


In fact our customers have planted over 10,000 trees!!

Lights For U, has launched our "Plant a Tree for Free" program, as part of our lighting up a greener world initiative. Our idea is to help offset the carbon emissions associated with powering light bulbs - simply by planting trees. Our goal is to help our customers "go zero" easily, inexpensively and responsibly. It is calculated that the average American family needs to plant 30 trees to offset the CO2 produced by their daily energy use... That's a lot of trees! Our program is designed to help you tackle this number with absolutely no effort on your part. By helping you plant your trees now, we can start making a difference today! So, what is The Plan?

Here are some reasons why we're putting our money where our mouth is and stepping out with this great program: 

1. We feel that planting trees is the easiest, most effective way to help each of us clean our air and sequester carbon through tree planting.
2. By supporting reforestation projects around the world that reduce CO2 emissions in the atmosphere we can make a real difference. 
3. Reforestation is a form of carbon sequestration (sequestration is the capture and removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere). Forests capture CO2 and store it in the trees mass and in the soil. Reforestation projects play a vital role in absorbing emissions, managing watershed, maintain wildlife habitats and providing time to transition to a new energy future. 
4. Planting trees in the right places for the right reasons is the best dollar-for-dollar investment we can make to improve our environment.

We hope you agree that since trees reduce greenhouse gases by absorbing carbon dioxide, save energy, help filter our water, and so much more this project is simply worth doing! This is why we're so excited to make this program easy for you... all you need to do is buy our energy efficient, environmentally conscious light bulbs for your home and business and we'll take care of the rest! 


Carbon offset

Carbon Offsets

Carbon offsets are calculated based on the savings found over the lifetime of the LED and the saving found from replacing standard incandescent light bulb of similar luminosity. 
LED lifetime is based on 12 hours of use each day. Carbon offsets are based on the reduced energy consumption of the LED bulb over its lifetime. The number of kilowatt-hours saved is multiplied by the pounds of carbon dioxide produced per kilowatt-hour to get total pounds of CO2. 

This factor is different for each state because power sources are different; some states are more dependent on carbon-heavy sources such as coal, while others use a higher percentage of sources that don't produce carbon such as hydroelectric or nuclear power. 

The US average is 1.34 lbs of carbon dioxide per kilowatt-hour, from the US Department of Energy. 
For example: a typical LED 7x1 watt LED bulb replaces a 75 watt incandescent and lasts 50,000 hours. The savings of 68 watts times 50,000 hours equals 3,400 Kwh. At 1.34 lbs of carbon dioxide per Kwh the savings is 4,556 lbs of carbon dioxide that is averted from being released into the atmosphere.

Why is offsetting Carbon Emissions so important?

Carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of fossil fuels are causing our Earths climate to change and slowly warm, which will have catastrophic results if we do not act to reduce them. Carbon dioxide emissions are about 40% higher than they were before the Industrial Revolution and at their highest levels in recorded history, spanning over 650,000 years. 

The effects of these climate changes are being seen all over the world today. Temperatures are already increasing, glaciers are receding at unprecedented speeds, whole chunks of the Antarctic ice shelf are breaking off, warmer seasons are becoming longer and hotter, lack of rainfall is resulting in catastrophic brush and forest fires, and storms are becoming more severe. 

Offsetting your carbon footprint allows you to become part of the solution to positively impact climate change by supporting the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions equal to your carbon emissions. 

Carbon offsets can be more cost effective and practical than many other measures an individual can take. However, it is also important to take action to reduce your energy use (which is where our bulbs can help out tremendously). Carbon dioxide emissions are a global problem, so reducing a ton of CO2 in China or the United States has the same climate change benefit as doing so in your own backyard. Also, no technology is inherently better than another: wind is not better than solar, renewables are not better than energy efficiency. Each ton of CO2 reduced is the same as any other ton, anywhere in the world. 

Fighting climate change is about reducing carbon dioxide emissions globally. Eagle Light is taking this fight seriously via our "Plant a Tree for Free" program; as part of our Lighting up a Greener World initiative. 

Eagle Light offers our customers an easy, low-cost way to reduce their carbon emissions, by reducing what they can and offsetting what they cant! 


LED Cost Savings

LED light bulbs save a lot of money. They typically use 5-15% of the energy that a normal incandescent light uses. They do not have the mercury that compact florescent lights have. LED lightbulbs also last a really long time compared to incandescent light bulbs. In many cases over 50,000 hours compared to a typical 1500 hour life for an incandescent bulb. 
Cost savings for LED lights are calculated based on the savings found over the lifetime of the LED in energy consumption. They do not include the time, effort and expense of replacing an incandescent bulb 30 times or more over the life of a replacement LED light bulb. 

For the math inclined here is the assumptions used to determine the cost savings of a LED light: 

LED lifetime is based on 12 hours of use each day. Lifetimes are based on manufacturers statistics normally from 30,000 hours to 100,000 hours. Cost of electricity is based on 10 cents per kilowatt hour. This number is not representative for all states, for example California costs are substantially more than 10 cents. 
For example: a typical LED 7x1 watt LED bulb replaces a 75 watt incandescent and lasts 50,000 hours. The savings of 68 watts times 50,000 hours equals 3,400 Kwh. At $0.10 per Kwh the savings is calculated at $346. The savings are actually more as this number does not include the cost of time and energy to buy and physically replace an incandescent 25 to 50 times over the life of the LED. That would require more math than we want to write about to right now. 
Why LED's
LED Lighting saves you on your electrical bill and helps the US reduce its foreign dependency on energy. The US uses 22% of it's electricity consumption on lighting. The total USA expenditure on electricity is over $300 billion: lighting amounts to over US$60 billion of that. LED lighting save up to 90% of the electricity of an incandescent light bulb, and do not have any of the mercury that florescent light bulbs and CFLs use. What this means is that if America replaced all of its lighting with LEDs we would stand to substantially reduce our energy consumption of electricity. This would allow the US alone to not open additional coal burning plants, one of the major sources of 'black' environmental damage. 
LED light bulbs can last from 2 to 10 times that of a traditional lightbulb. That means there will be fewer light bulbs in land fills. With over 5,000,000 light bulbs thrown away each DAY, that would amount to a huge savings in toxic waste and land fill. 
Florescent lamps use mercury. So over 40% of the light bulbs in America place mercury in our atmosphere and land fills when not disposed of properly. Mercury causes considerable damage to the life on this planet, including humans. To see the contribution florescent lamps make to mercury poisoning see the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry and Toxicological profile for mercury: Center for Disease Control. 
Trends and lifestyle demands are indicating that over the coming years Solid State Lighting (LEDs) will drastically change the energy consumption patterns of the world as well. Consequently, there is a phenomenal amount of resources being devoted to improving LED technology worldwide. This is really good for you and me and helps our planet too. 

Benefits of LED Lights

  • Less expensive to power
  • Lasts longer: extremely long life span (30,000-100,000 hours)
  • Durable, insensitive to vibration
  • No mercury: unlike florescent bulbs and tubes
  • Dimmable and programmable, in many cases
  • Super-fast turn-on, unlike compact fluorescent light bulbs
  • Lightweight and compact
  • Directed light is more efficient use of light
  • Color, without the use of filters and lenses

LED Lighting Applications

LED lights are already used as the best light source for traffic signals, vehicular tail lights, emergency lighting and flashlights. 
We are providing LED lights for almost any home or commercial use. Increasingly, they are a desirable choice for use in accent, task, landscape, portable and even area lighting. LED light bulbs let you do things you just cant do effectively with other lighting sources, especially due to LEDs low rate of power consumption. For example, imagine powering a string of lights ½ mile long from a single electrical socket. You can, with a commercial line of LED Christmas lights! 
With LED lights you can use more light than ever before and still save money. Additionally, they are so long lasting that you can use them in complicated design installations without worrying about frequent and costly bulb replacements. LED lighting has been used to create the most innovative lighting for stage show lighting, restaurant and hotel interior lighting, building exterior lighting and bridges.